Drip Drip Drip (Campaign)

What is a Drip Campaign?

Drip Campaign Marketing by CellCon Consulting

At its most basic, a drip campaign is a series of marketing related emails that are sent out on a schedule. Today you may be using one of the popular “email blaster” services, where you pay a few dollars (or a few hundred) and blast your newsletter out to your clients and prospects.

And, while email newsletters are a good way to send out your company’s latest news, they have a major flaw: new subscribers only see new emails, and never get the first emails you’d sent out to your list. All they’ll see is what you send after they sign up.

With a planned drip campaign you set the time, frequency and content of the message that goes to everyone, no matter when in the campaign they signed.

Perhaps one email will go out as soon as someone signs up, another will go out 4 days later, with one more going out the next week. In addition, the emails can be varied based on triggers, or actions the person has performed like opening the first email or clicking on a particular link.

Is your company ready to move up from the mass-blast of a common newsletter and begin targeting your database with a more customized, relevant message?



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