Take Advantage of the Competition
You want to get ahead.
How do you take advantage of the competition?
About two years ago, I designed a website for a wholesale distributor in the wireless prepaid area. To this day they still rank among the top 3 in numerous Google searches and get phone calls every day from new clients.
This is due to primarily two factors:
SEO – Search Engine Optimization. Their website, from the beginning, was designed properly and is optimized for numerous search engines. Each landing page is optimized separately.
However another factor just as important
The lack of quality SEO done by their competition.
And, they’re using that. They’re taking advantage of the competition.
While you can’t control what your competition does, you can take advantage of opportunities they’ve left behind. Look at your competitors websites, look at their print, look at their entire efforts – and capitalize on what they are not doing. I’m willing to bet that you can take advantage of something they’re missing.