And Who/How Gets it Right…

So no more than a few hours ago did I write about how a company is shooting itself in the foot with Social Media. READ THIS NOW TO LEARN HOW CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOULD WORK. Yes, I’m yelling but y’all really really really need to read this from an article in Forbes:

“I recently received a message from a good friend named Eileen Scully. She shared a heartwarming story from her friend Michael John Mathis. Michael had posted the following message on Facebook recounting an episode of lost glasses on a train:

I just experienced possibly the very best customer service of all time. A few weeks ago, I accidentally left my beloved Warby Parker reading glasses on the Acela. Annoyed, I bought myself another, identical, pair the following day. Today I received an unexpected package containing not one, but two pair of those same reading glasses, a copy of “On The Road” by Jack Kerouac and the following note:

Read the entire article HERE. Then memorize it. Then read it again.  THIS IS HOW BUSINESSES NEED TO WORK TODAY.  

Want to know how to go “viral?” DO THIS!

PS – I purchased my latest pair of glasses from Warby Parker and they truly do ROCK as a company – even without the above story!


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