Want to know how you SHOULD do Business?

I broke my glasses recently. The last pair I bought (last 2 pair actually) were from Sears. This week, Sears is having a half-price sale, which would bring my cost to about $150 – still a bit high for me.

So I remembered an internet company called Warby Parker and looked them up. They sent me (no charge) 5 pair of glasses to try on. When I had a question, I called and got:

  • A native English speaking person
  • On the first ring
  • Who answered my questions
  • Was pleasant

And what did I do? Wrote a blog post, wrote a FB post and tagged them…(oh and when I buy from them, it’ll cost me about $95 – a savings of about 35%)

Compare and Contrast:

I also called Sears about a snow-blower I bought last week and was supposed to be delivered (last) Friday.

I’m still waiting.

I’ve  called THREE TIMES over 3 days. Each time I get “You’ll get a call in 24-48 hours” – until I explained it was now 96 hours later and still no call.


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